Sunday, May 1, 2011

Squidding time

With the wife away for 3 weeks I have a bit of time to myself, so hit Mornington last friday afternoon for some squid action. It was a bit slow, however I managed 3 before the wind got up, then headed to Coronet Bay to stay. Saturday was a quiet one, but Sunday morning I went back to Mornington.
First 3 casts produced 3 squid, much to the disgust of the boaties nearby, who were talking amongst themselves with some colourful language that they had been there a while and not managed even one yet. On my fourth cast they motored over and asked me about my jig. As I was answering that I had a yamashita 2.0 in a natural colour on I hooked up again. They then motored over right to where I was casting (Dodgy!!!) and started casting. I had my fifth cast where their boat was originally and had my 5th squid from 5 casts. Another couple of boats came over so I moved around a bit and managed another couple of squid. A hire boat then came over as I had my 8th squid on and every time for the next 20 minutes when I moved they followed, and I believe that the sound of their motor did not help with the squid! I managed one more and headed for home with 9 in the bag.
Dad arrived that afternoon and we hooked up the boat and launched, confident that although the fishing has been quiet we had nice fresh squid. We sounded around for 10-15 minutes and finally found what looked like snapper. We had multiple bites but didn't hook up until Dad brought the biggest trevally that I have ever seen to the boat. The hooks pulled when it was just under the boat. Many more bites for not much, although I landed a nice salmon which was filleted for bait.
Another move to Snapper Rock and we got into a few undersize pinkies and some small gummies. A couple of small weird eels and a few small unidentified sharks rounded off the trip. Not much luck, but a great day on the water with not a breath of wind and a clear boat ramp!

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