There are a couple of issues here though:
- Can I actually catch a few squid, now that I need to?
- Am I going to get stuck for hours on my way to Coronet Bay, which also happens to be on the way to Phillip Island before the Easter long weekend?
- Is Nicole (Who is due to have our first child tomorrow) going to decide to go into labour this afternoon or overnight, dashing hopes of any jewies?
- A longer anchor rope, with chain. I am currently struggling to hold bottom in the wind with my 1.5kg anchor and 10m of rope. I will invest in a large handline to wrap it all around, and fill it with foam so it floats should I ever drop it!
- A navigation light - We had to wait half an hour to launch last time. This could be solved by me getting 1-1.5m pole with a white light at the top to put behind me sticking up in the kayak. This will also come in handy when it gets to snapper season!
- A drogue for drifting. This would slow down the drift and be very handy when drifting for squid, or flicking soft plastics around.
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