A few days out seabreeze had winds at 20-30 knots so a bit of a worry, but conditions were great and we launched without incident. Casey was our skipper, and Dad, myself and my uncle were all on board. We went to a spot seemingly in the middle of nowhere but there was some reef on the bottom on the sounder and Casey said that it was the best jewie spot in Westernport - But before this he made sure that we had all GPS enabled devices turned off!
Nothing for the first hour and a half until the last hour or so of the run in then we each caught a banjo shark and Dad landed this massive wobbegong:
Casey got a call from a mate in another boat who was catching heaps of snapper and we had the option of going to fish for them. Although the fish were coming on the bite the lure of the reds was a little too much and we headed off, armed with some knowledge of how to find jewie spots.
A short time later we arrived at a spot near the Corals and almost immediately got into the reds, although nothing massive with fish up to about 3kg, most being 1.5kg-2.5kg. This even included a triple hook-up at one stage.
At 10am we had to head in, as a bleary eyed Casey had to take out another charted that evening and didn't look like he had slept much at all. Ah to be a guide in snapper season!
It was great catching the reds, so it probably would have been easier (And a few hundred bucks cheaper!) to just book a snapper charter, however we did learn some great techniques for rigging, spot selection and bait presentation.
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