Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Spring cleaning

Well it's that time of the year when the garage needs a clean, so everything comes out, gets sorted through then the garage is swept out (Our garage isn't exactly what you'd call weatherproof) and put back in, hopefully neater and more accessible. This year when it call came out it was a nice day so I decided to wash the kayaks, with a little help from my son:

This is "Pops" kayak, and despite him not being the greatest squid angler of all time, somehow his Kingfisher was covered in ink so we scrubbed it clean. Ben also found that he fits neatly into the front hatch so is looking forward to his first trip.

I have also just ordered a couple of 300yd spools of Power Pro braid for the upcoming season - 3lb in white for the Stradic Ci4 1000FML and some 10lb yellow for the spare spool on the Stradic 2500FI so I can target snapper on it again. They are coming in from the USA (AUD$52.95 for both including postage) as one spool is close to $70 from Australian stores!

The garage is now clean, the lawn mowed and the deck has been stained so we just need a decent, wind-free day and it's back on the water!

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